Dieter Henrik Heiland

Dieter Henrik Heiland

Principal Investigator

Henrik Heiland studied medicine at the Ruhr-University Bochum, graduating in 2012. Then he carried out research leading to his thesis in NeuroOncology at the Carro Lab in Freiburg. His dissertation focused on the epigenetic regulation of brain tumors and the impact of transcriptional subgroups. As a postdoc, Henrik Heiland worked in Irina Mader’s group on the investigation of radiogenomic associations and metabolic alterations of malignant gliomas. Driven by the desire to study the importance of brain microenvironment, Henrik then established the basic research branch of the Translational NeuroOncology Reasearch Group. This continuously growing group focuses on the exploration and characterization of alterations within the tumor microenvironment.

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